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The genus Maxillaria is represented by over 900 different species. They are spread throughout the new worrld ranging from northern Argentina through the West Indies and Central America up to Florida. Maxillaria plants are epiphytes, lithophytes or sometimes even terrestial. The vegetative plant forms are variable and can be subdivided into psuedobulbless and pseudobulbous plants. Pseudobulbs, always of a single internode, have 1-4 apical leaves, each with a prominent central vein. The influorescences are produced singly or in groups from either the axils of the rhizome sheaths, or from the base of the pseudobulbs. Each influorescence displays a single flower. Sepals and petals are subequal and free. Petals are similar to the sepals but smaller. The lip articulate simple or more or less 3-lobes. Lateral lobes, when present, are erect. The column is fleshy and also erect. There are always four waxy pollinia present.

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  • Part of Speech: noun
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  • Industry/Domain: Plants
  • Category: General plants
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