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Alternative therapy
Preventative and therapeutic health care practices, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Generally do not follow accepted medical methods. May not require medical explanations for their success or use.
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absorption edge
Astronomy; General astronomy
Sudden rises superposed on the smooth decrease of the curve of the attenuation coefficient, which cause the curve to have a typical sawtooth aspect. They generally occur at the ...
Entertainment; Gambling
In poker, the amount of money which has to be put into the pot by each player to participate in the hand. This should be paid before the window cards have been played.
Advertising; Billboard advertising
Measuring and adjusting both the color and the intensity of individual pixels to ensure image consistency across the entire display.
available quantity
Retail; Others
The quantity of an item that is currently available for sale. Generally, the available quantity is equal to the on-hand quantity minus any quantities set aside for open orders.