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Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.
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tear sheet
Financial services; General Finance
A page from an S&P stock that provides information on thousands of stocks, often sent to prospective purchasers.
30 Doradus Nebula (NGC 2070, Great Looped Nebula, Tarantula Nebula)
Astronomy; General astronomy
A giant H II region, at least 300 pc across - one of the largest known. It is larger and more luminous than any known in the Galaxy. It is the brightest object in the Large ...
Entertainment; TV
Cathode Ray Tube. Display screens used in TV sets and computer monitors that use a Cathode Ray Tube, which is also called a "picture tube." Cathode Ray Tubes were found in all ...
Advertising; Billboard advertising
A bulletin that is usually larger than 14’ x 48’ and is positioned at a prime location in a market. A spectacular often utilizes special embellishments.