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trust fund transaction
Financial services; General Finance
An intra budgetary financial arrangement in which both payments and receipts occur within the same trust fund group.
Apollo asteroid
Astronomy; General astronomy
One of a small group of asteroids whose orbits intersect that of Earth. They are named for the prototype, Apollo.
aspect ratio
Entertainment; TV
Screen's width as compared to its height. For example, for 4:3, the traditional TV aspect ratio, a 32-inch TV would be 25½ inches wide and 19 inches tall. A 16:9 widescreen ...
poster panel
Advertising; Billboard advertising
An outdoor unit that can accommodate 30-sheet or 8-sheet poster displays.
point-after-touchdown (PAT)
Sports; Football
a place kick taken from the opponents 2-yard line (3-yard line in college); awarded to a team that has scored a touchdown, it is worth 1 point if it goes through the goalpost.