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Anything related to the activity of attending to one's garden or the objects, animals,plants and shrubs found therein.

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field position

Sports; Football

the location of a team on the field relative to the two goal lines; good field position for a team is near its opponents goal line, while bad field position is close to its own ...


Geography; Capitals

capital of Burkina Faso

portfolio company

Financial services; Venture capital

Company or entity in which a venture capital firm or buyout firm invests. All of the companies currently backed by a private equity firm can be spoken of as the firm’s ...

bond migration

Software; Analysis software

A bond migration is the movement of a bond to a new position within the same molecular entity during the course of a molecular rearrangement.

double play

Sports; Baseball

A double play is getting two men out on the same play. There are a few different ways to get a double play. The most common double play is when there is a runner on first base, ...


Sports; Boxing

An upward directed punch that comes up below an opponent's guard. If it connects with an opponents chin, the fight will probably be over.

dark roast

Beverages; Coffee

A general term describing any roast of coffee darker than American Roast.
