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Medical devices

Any instrument, appliance or machine that facilitates the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of illness, physical or mental injury, by a medical professional.

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yield curve

Financial services; General Finance

Models that can incorporate different volatility assumptions along the yield curve, such as the Black-Derman-Toy model. Also called arbitrage-free option-pricing models.


Sports; Golf

See Driving Range.


Financial services; General Finance

The two-character ISO 3166 country code for HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE).

oxygen debt


the amount of oxygen that must be consumed to pay back the deficit incurred by anaerobic work.

special arbitrage account

Financial services; General Finance

A margin account with lower cash requirements, reserved for transactions that are hedged by an offsetting position in futures or options.

nuclear magnitude

Astronomy; General astronomy

See definition for m 2 , above.

cancellation period

Advertising; Billboard advertising

A specified period of time when an outdoor advertising contract can be terminated.
