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Personal care products
Also known as toiletries, this industry refers to the manufacturing of consumer products which are used for beautification or personal hygiene.
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Fischer-Tropsch (FT) fuel
Automotive; Vehicle equipment
Diesel fuel made from natural gas using a method known as the Fischer-Tropsch process. FT fuels are liquid at ambient conditions, have a high cetane number, and effectively no ...
Avogadro number (NA)
Astronomy; General astronomy
The number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon 12. The number of atoms in a gram-atom (mass in grams numerically equal to the atomic weight) or the number of molecules in a ...
call sign (station)
Entertainment; TV
In broadcasting and radio communications, a Call Sign is a unique designation that identifies a transmitting station. In some cases, they are used as names for broadcasting ...
printed vinyls
Advertising; Billboard advertising
Increasingly the industry standard for outdoor display poster. Printed vinyls yield clean, bold color graphics when professionally printed, and are more durable and easy to post ...