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1) Social relations involving authority or power. 2) The art or science of governing.

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Financial services; General Finance

See: Variable-rated demand bond



a relatively short period during which maximum performance is achieved.

special dividend

Financial services; General Finance

Also referred to as an extra dividend. Dividend that is unlikely to be repeated.

temporary investment

Financial services; General Finance

A short-term investment, such as a money market fund, Treasury bills, or short-term CD, which is usually held a year or less.


Astronomy; General astronomy

Either of the two points (vernal, autumnal) on the celestial sphere where the ecliptic (which is the apparent path of the sun on the sky) intersects the celestial equator. Due to ...


Advertising; Billboard advertising

The elimination of gaps in a media schedule by maximizing the duration of a campaign, ideally 52 weeks.


Sports; Golf

in golf, this is when both players agree to concede each other's putts as "gimmes"
