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Any electronic device designed to inrease the volume of sound.
Industry: Consumer electronics
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Consumer electronics; Amplifier
The rate of working electrical energy measured in watts, equal to the voltage multiplied by the current in a circuit. In an amplifier, this work results in either heat or mechanical energy, such as ...
Power amp
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
An amplifier that has higher-power output capability than a preamp and is designed to drive one or more loudspeakers. Generally contained with the preamp in self-contained or piggyback amps, but also ...
Power amp in
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
An input that plugs directly into an amp’s power amplifier and bypasses the preamp. This function allows some amps to be used as slaves.
Power attenuator
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
A device used to soak up power or allow less power transmission between amp and speaker.
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
The common name given to the Vactrol optoisolator device used for channel switching. The name is printed on the Vactrol because the company that invented them was named Vactec, later EG&G Vactec.
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
An optoisolator device used for channel switching in many modern amplifiers, such as Soldano and Mesa. It is a single package combining an LED and a photoresistor, which changes resistance from very ...
Vacuum tube
Consumer electronics; Amplifier
Another name for electron tube which is a sealed glass envelope in which the conduction of electrons takes place througha gas or vacuum; most often for amplification or switching applications.