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Coastal engineering

A branch of civil engineering that applies engineering principles specifically to projects within the coastal zone including areas nearshore, estuary, marine, and shoreline.

Contributors in Coastal engineering

Coastal engineering

Lead line

Engineering; Coastal engineering

A line, wire, or cord used in sounding (to obtain water depth). It is weighted at one end with a plummet (sounding lead). Also sounding line.


Engineering; Coastal engineering

A structure built on the shore of a harbor, river, or canal, so that vessels may lie alongside to receive and discharge cargo and passengers.


Engineering; Coastal engineering

The resultant of upward forces, exerted by the water on a submerged or floating body, equal to the weight of the water displaced by this body.

Foundation blanket

Engineering; Coastal engineering

A layer or layers of graded fine stones underlying a breakwater, groyne or rock embankment to prevent the natural bed material from being washed away.

Phreatic level

Engineering; Coastal engineering

Upper surface of an unconfined aquifer (e.g. the top sand layer in a dike) at which the pressure in the groundwater is equal to atmospheric pressure.

Wicker faggot

Engineering; Coastal engineering

Bundles of twigs or sticks, often willow, used in building earthworks or levees (traditional practise in Holland and China.). Alternate term: fascine

Dredged channel

Engineering; Coastal engineering

An artificially maintained sea lane extending from an inland water body into the marginal sea to accomodate vessel traffic through coastal shallows.

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