Home > Industry/Domain > Beverages > Coffee


Any beverage made by the infusion, decoction or percolation of roasted and then ground coffee beans (the seeds of the coffee plant).

Contributors in Coffee


Latte art

Beverages; Coffee

The pattern formed by rhythmically pouring steamed milk into an espresso drink. Decorative and demonstrative; only properly steamed milk will hold a form.


Beverages; Coffee

Espresso topped with a dab of foamed steamed milk, about 2 to 3 ounces total.


Beverages; Coffee

Coffee from a single farm, or a specific part of that farm.

Nel drip

Beverages; Coffee

Short for “flannel drip,” it’s a form of drip coffee that uses flannel philtres imported from Japan. The philtres are temperamental, and must be washed by hand and kept chilled when not in use.

Pour-over coffee

Beverages; Coffee

A method of drip coffee developed in Japan in which the water is poured in a thin, steady, slow stream over a philtre cone. One cup of coffee takes as long as three minutes to brew. Some coffee bars ...

Clever coffee dripper

Beverages; Coffee

Recently introduced, a philtre cone with a stopper that lets coffee steep before dripping, extracting more flavor.


Beverages; Coffee

High-tech single-cup brewing machine. Company was bought by Starbucks in 2007.

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