Home > Industry/Domain > Sports > Croquet


Contributors in Croquet


Lift shot

Sports; Croquet

When a player is allowed to pick up their ball and play it from the baulk. This can happen after a roquet or when the ball has gone out of bounds.

Limit of claims

Sports; Croquet

This is a time limitation which means that a fault must be called within a certain amount of time and if it is not then it is invalid. (See Also Forestalling).

Next-two leave

Sports; Croquet

When the striker leaves his partner and makes a rush to the wicket and the opponent's ball at the next two wickets.

Non-playing side

Sports; Croquet

The area that is on the other side of the wicket that is currently in play.

Off the red

Sports; Croquet

This is when a ball scores a wicket off another ball.

Croquet shot

Sports; Croquet

A Croquet shot is taken after a Roquet. The player taking the shot places their ball next to and touching the Roqueted ball and they then hit their ball which strikes the Roqueted ball and if all ...

Corner spot

Sports; Croquet

A spot or place inside the corner area. Any ball which, goes out of the court at least a yard from a corner will be put back in play at this spot.

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