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DNA forensics
The application of the science of DNA to analyze evidence involved in criminal and civil litigation.
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DNA forensics
Quality assurance standards
Legal services; DNA forensics
The standards originated from the DNA Advisory Board and are maintained by the FBI; they place specific requirements on labs involved in forensic DNA analysis, both casework and convicted offender ...
Random match probability
Legal services; DNA forensics
The probability that the DNA in a random sample from the population has the same profile as the DNA in the evidence sample.
Quality assurance (QA)
Legal services; DNA forensics
A programme conducted by a laboratory to ensure accuracy and reliability of tests performed.
Questioned sample
Legal services; DNA forensics
A sample recovered or collected, about which there are questions, for a forensic examination.
Racial group
Legal services; DNA forensics
A group of people defined by race, color, nationality, and ethnic or national origins.
Reference samples
Legal services; DNA forensics
A standard/reference sample is material of a verifiable/documented source which, when compared with evidence of an unknown source, shows an association or linkage between an offender, crime scene, ...
Relative fluorescence unit (RFU)
Legal services; DNA forensics
A unit of measurement used in electrophoreses methods employing fluorescence detection. Fluorescence is detected on the CCD array as the labelled fragments, separated in the capillary by ...