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Database applications
Software that facilitates communication between a human user and a database.
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Database applications
Absolute address
Software; Database applications
An absolute address in a formula refers to a specific cell location or range. It always points to the location of a specific cell, even if you copy it. Absolute addresses are created by adding a $ ...
Active cell
Software; Database applications
The active cell contains the insertion point and is identified by a dark border around the cell. Its address is shown in the formula bar. Any action you perform is performed on the active cell.
Active window
Software; Database applications
The active window is the area on the Desktop that is currently being used and which usually contains a file or an application.
3-D pie chart
Software; Database applications
The 3-D pie chart is a simple chart style that is useful for illustrating the parts of a whole.
Software; Database applications
There are four views available in Word: Normal, Page Layout, Online Layout, and Outline. Some show you how the document will look when it is printed, and some make working in Word quick and easy.
Windows clipboard
Software; Database applications
The Windows Clipboard is a holding place in a computer's memory where information is stored after you use the Cut or Copy commands.
Wrapping text
Software; Database applications
Wrapping text is an automatic feature of Word. When you reach the end of a line while typing, Word forces the text to break onto a new line.