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The final termination of a marriage by canceling all legal duties and responsibilities of the marriage and dissolving matrimony bonds between the parties.
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Personal life; Divorce
A formal or written question that must be answered under the direction of the court.
Personal life; Divorce
On or from one side or party only, sometimes used in reference to the absence of the opposing party.
Personal life; Divorce
A means of disagreeing on a particular issue. For example, if your spouse requests sole custody of your children and you don't agree, you can "contest" the custody request.
Personal life; Divorce
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a federal law giving you and your covered dependents the right to continue group health coverage on a self-paid basis if eligibility for ...
Child support
Personal life; Divorce
A set amount of money paid by the non-custodial parent to help support their children after a divorce. The money is paid through a state agency to the custodial parent unt.
Chart child support method
Personal life; Divorce
Method used in some legal jurisdictions to establish a base for determining child support. Takes into account the gross incomes of both parents, less special adjustments (such as support paid for ...