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Energy trade

Research, market data and analysis for energy trade.

Contributors in Energy trade

Energy trade

Demand side management (DSM)

Energy; Energy trade

All activities or programmes undertaken by an electricity system or consumers to influence the amount and timing of electricity use.

Load curve

Energy; Energy trade

A curve of power versus time showing the level of a load for each time period covered. The horizontal axis is time and the vertical access is load (MW).

National Allocation (NAP)

Energy; Energy trade

Plan: Under the EU ETS, each country must submit a NAP to the European Commission, detailing every installation/plant and its proposed allocation of emissions allowances within the national cap.


Energy; Energy trade

A gasoline blending component composed of isobutane and propylene or butylene.

Weighted moving average

Energy; Energy trade

The average of prices over a certain period, but weighted to give more importance to the latest price. So, if it were a 5-day MA, the latest price might be weighted by a factor of 5, yesterday's by ...


Energy; Energy trade

The trend is your friend. A trend at its most basic consists of a situation in which prices move more in one direction than another. Many technical measures attempt to discern when a price is ...

Fast breeder reactor

Energy; Energy trade

A fast reactor with fertile material loaded around the core, to be converted into fissile material through neutron capture, which generates more fissile material than is consumed.

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