Contributors in Fiction
Surimaka Delta
Literature; Fiction
An outlying colony of the Procyon axis, established by Procyon C-Tertius to mine extensive transuranic deposits in the Boravi sector. Annexed by Klaros as a Protectorate by a combination of implied ...
Doguth Uyrdell
Literature; Fiction
Trooper Nine, mechanised Infantry Scout, secondary specialty in Combat Scan, detailed to Kenterum Joklan during his mission at Bellflower House.
Supreme Commander
Literature; Fiction
One of the Three, the Klarosian Oligarchs who hold ultimate power. The others are the Speaker of the Civil Administration and the Cardinal Prelate of the Church.
The Transfer
Literature; Fiction
Migration of the Klaros colony from its initial world in the Nira-Hoy cluster to Klaros II. An event of great religious and cultural historical significance for the colony.
Literature; Fiction
A Veran who has mastered a course of discipline or skill-building to the level of application. In some disciplines, adepts are distinguished by degrees of mastery.
Time Ripper
Literature; Fiction
Flagship of Fleet OpsAr III, and the major HQ transport for the Second Legion's Klaros III Expedition.
Karth Tallis
Literature; Fiction
Lord Commander of the Klarosian Second Fleet, conquerer of Veran, Consort to K'vara.
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