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Contributors in Fiction



Literature; Fiction

Small sealed envelope, made of anti-static, magnetic shielding material. Used to store or transport small data storage materials such as chips, strands, and nanodevices.


Literature; Fiction

One of the major Hub languages, common among the Aurigan and Altairian nexus colonies, most of whom have some minor dialectic variant as their basic tongue.


Literature; Fiction

Gravity propulsion, a common form of high-speed transportation that uses small-scale, cylindrical tavis fields to link larger habitat domes.


Literature; Fiction

The major pre-Hub scientific and intellectual institution was the Leksandri Project, established in 2039 RT first as a survey program, and then as an authoritative scientific research and educational ...


Literature; Fiction

Religio-politico-cultural ideology that believes in and/or advocates for no civil, legal, or administrative controls on human reproduction. Not widely tolerated or practised in the Hub, as most ...


Literature; Fiction

A religious sect or practise with an explicitly political agenda. As "You can't say that Yesra Savic aren't poligious, they've been trying to get freebirth legalised on Vorva Major for nearly a ...


Literature; Fiction

A fabric spun from the fine, strong threads produced by an insect of the Veran tropics.

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