Contributors in Fruits


Japanese plum

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

This pear-shaped fruit has a juicy, crisp flesh and a sweetly tart flavor. Used as a snack, in salads, and in chicken and duck dishes. Also called "loquat" and "Japanese Medlar."


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

Ein Apfel ist eine Frucht und gehört zur Familie der Rosaceae. Es gibt 25 unterschiedliche Arten.


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing between five and eight metres tall.


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A small round ribbed variety of melon, with orange flesh. Also called rock melon.

Rose hip

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

The small, red fruit of the rose plant, that ripens in autumn and is valued mainly for its high vitamin C content.


Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

A large rounded fruit with soft spines. The segments taste like marshmellow. Cultivated commercially in the Philippines.

Rose apples

Fruits & vegetables; Fruits

It is an apple that smells like a rose (the flower). You hardly know about it because it is hard to keep it from rotting after being picked. It is popularly grown in Australia.

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