Home > Industry/Domain > Personal life > Funeral
Ceremony for servicing, celebrating, and remembering the life of a deceased person.
Industry: Personal life
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Last rites
Personal life; Funeral
Christian sacrament or ritual performed for a dying person. Also called the rite of committal.
Personal life; Funeral
Official examination or inquiry before a jury to determine cause of death.
Honorary pallbearers
Personal life; Funeral
Friends or members of a religious, social or fraternal organisation who act as an escort or honour guard for the deceased. Honorary pallbearers do not carry the casket.
Personal life; Funeral
A professional who prepares for the burial or other disposition of dead human bodies, supervises such burial or disposition, maintains a funeral establishment for such purposes, counsels with ...
Funeral director
Personal life; Funeral
A professional who prepares for the burial or other disposition of dead human bodies, supervises such burial or disposition, maintains a funeral establishment for such purposes, counsels with ...