Home > Industry/Domain > Personal life > Funeral


Ceremony for servicing, celebrating, and remembering the life of a deceased person.

Contributors in Funeral


trade embalmer

Personal life; Funeral

A licensed embalmer who is not employed by one specific funeral home, but does the embalming for several firms either on a salary or per case basis.


Personal life; Funeral

Discharge from the mouth, ears and nose of deceased caused by improper embalming.

Pre-planning or pre-need

Personal life; Funeral

Arranging of all aspects of a funeral, particularly the financing before death.

Prearranged funeral trust or funeral trust

Personal life; Funeral

Method that allows individuals to pre-pay for funeral expenses by holding money in trust until it is needed to pay for funeral costs.


Personal life; Funeral

Planning a funeral in advance of the death, usually consisting of a list of your preferences for funeral arrangements.

Preparation room

Personal life; Funeral

A room in a funeral home designed and equipped for preparing the deceased for final disposition,.

Preparation table

Personal life; Funeral

An operating table located in the preparation room upon which the body is placed for embalming and dressing.

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