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General agriculture
General terms related to agriculture that do not fit any other product category.
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General agriculture
Oxygen evolving complex
Agriculture; General agriculture
The oxygen evolving complex (OEC) is a protein complex in Photosystem II.
Major histocompatibility complex
Agriculture; General agriculture
The genetic region which contains the loci of genes which determine the structure of the serologically defined (SD) and lymphocyte-defined (LD) transplantation antigens, genes which control the ...
Light harvesting complex
Agriculture; General agriculture
A pigment-protein complex that harvests light energy and converts it to exciton energy that can migrate to the photosynthetic reaction centre where photosynthesis occurs. The light is absorbed by ...
Ammonium compounds
Agriculture; General agriculture
Inorganic and organic compounds that contain the ion NH4+.
Stand composition
Agriculture; General agriculture
The proportion of each plant species in a managed unit, such as a forest, sward or crop.
Botanical composition
Agriculture; General agriculture
The percentage of plant species that comprise a plant community.
Economic behaviour
Agriculture; General agriculture
The predicted or observable activity or manner in which decisions are made regarding the management of wealth, including the manner of buying/selling goods and services, generating income, allocating ...