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General astronomy
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General astronomy
anomalistic month
Astronomy; General astronomy
The interval between two successive perigee passages of the Moon.
vernal equinox
Astronomy; General astronomy
The point on the celestial sphere where the sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward, which corresponds to the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
One element of the astronomical coordinate system on the sky that is used by astronomers. Declination, which can be thought of as latitude on the earth projected onto the sky, is usually denoted by ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
A table listing specific data of a moving object, as a function of time. Ephemerides usually contain right ascension ("R. A. " in these web pages) and declination ("Decl. " in these web pages), ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
Angular distance of a celestial object from the sun in the sky. In standard ephemerides, this is usually denoted by the Greek letter epsilon (or by the abbreviation "Elong. "). A celestial (usually ...
Astronomy; General astronomy
The apparent path of the sun against the sky background (celestial sphere); formally, the mean plane of the earth's orbit about the sun.