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General sailing
Terms used to sail, navigate, and maintain a sail boat.
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General sailing
put up the helm
Sailing; General sailing
To bring the tiller to windward, so that the rudder is turned to leeward, and consequently the head of the vessel goes off to leeward or "off the wind."
Sailing; General sailing
The loose end of the rope of a tackle, the hauling part of a tackle; also applied generally to the tackle of the bobstay and the topmast backstays.
square knot
Sailing; General sailing
A knot used to join two lines of similar size. Also called a reef knot.
Sailing; General sailing
Dead on end. A wind which blows directly down a vessel's intended course, involving a dead beat.
Sailing; General sailing
A second spar carried at the top of the fore or main mast, used to fly more sail.
near the wind
Sailing; General sailing
Close to wind; generally used in a sense to convey the meaning that the vessel is too near the wind, as "She's near forward," meaning that the head sails are shaking or lifting.