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General science

A variety of science subjects concerning the fundamental knowledge about different aspects of our world and their underlying principles.

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General science


Science; General science

A method of communication employing electrical signalling impulses produced and received manually or by machines. Telegraph signals are transmitted over open wire or cable land lines, submarine ...

Wellpoint systems

Science; General science

A method of keeping an excavated area dry by intercepting the flow of ground water with pipe wells located around the excavation area. Intercepting the flow before it reaches the excavated area also ...

Gas thermometry

Science; General science

A method of measuring temperatures with gas as the thermometric fluid. Gas thermometry is the primary source of information about a fundamental physical parameter, temperature, over the range from ...

Terracing (agriculture)

Science; General science

A method of shaping land to control erosion on slopes of rolling land used for cropping and other purposes. In early practise the land was shaped into a series of nearly level benches or steplike ...

Magnetic levitation

Science; General science

A method of supporting and transporting objects or vehicles which is based on the physical property that the force between two magnetised bodies is inversely proportional to their distance. By using ...

Electron-probe microanalysis

Science; General science

A method used for determining the elemental composition of materials, based on the xrays emitted by different elements when bombarded with high-energy electrons. It is a micro method that can detect ...

Chemical separation techniques

Science; General science

A method used in chemistry to purify substances or to isolate them from other substances, for either preparative or analytical purposes. In industrial applications the ultimate goal is the isolation ...

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