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General science

A variety of science subjects concerning the fundamental knowledge about different aspects of our world and their underlying principles.

Contributors in General science

General science

Traveling-wave tube

Science; General science

A microwave electronic tube in which a beam of electrons interacts continuously with a wave that travels along a circuit, the interaction extending over a distance of many wavelengths. Traveling-wave ...

Reflecting microscope

Science; General science

A microscope whose objective is composed of two mirrors, one convex and the other concave. The imaging properties are independent of the wavelength of light, and this freedom from chromatic ...

Polarised light microscope

Science; General science

A microscope that utilises polarised light to form a highly magnified image of an object. polarising microscopes play an important role in crystallography, petrography, microchemistry, and biology. ...

Buhrstone mill

Science; General science

A mill for grinding or pulverizing, in which a flat siliceous rock, generally of cellular quartz, rotates against a stationary stone of the same material. The Buhrstone mill is one of the oldest ...


Science; General science

A mineral (FeCO 3 ) with the same space group and hexagonal crystal system as calcite (CaCO 3 ). Siderite has a gray, tan, brown, dark brown, or red color, has rhombohedral cleavages, and ...

Granuloma inguinale

Science; General science

A mildly infectious, chronic, granulomatous disease principally affecting skin and subcutaneous tissues of the genital and rectal areas. Although rare in the United States, the disease is very ...

Phase-contrast microscope

Science; General science

A microscope used for making visible differences in phase or optical path in transparent or reflecting specimens. It is an important instrument for studying living cells and is used in biological and ...

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