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General science

A variety of science subjects concerning the fundamental knowledge about different aspects of our world and their underlying principles.

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General science


Science; General science

A mineral with the chemical composition SrSO 4 . Celestite occurs commonly in colourless to sky-blue, orthorhombic, tabular crystals. Fracture is uneven and lustre is vitreous. Hardness is 3–3.5 ...


Science; General science

A mineral with the chemical composition CuSO 4 · 5H 2 O. Chalcanthite commonly occurs in blue to greenish-blue triclinic crystals or in massive fibrous veins or stalactites (see illus. ). Fracture ...


Science; General science

A mineral with the chemical composition PbCrO 4 . Crocoite occurs in yellow to orange or hyacinth red, monoclinic, prismatic crystals with adamantine to vitreous lustre (see illus. ); it is also ...

Surface mining

Science; General science

A mining method used to obtain valuable minerals from the earth by first removing the overlying soil and rock (overburden) and subsequently recovering the valuable mineral. Surface mining is done ...


Science; General science

A mineral, β-ZnS, also called blende. It is the low-temperature form and more common polymorph of ZnS. Pure β-ZnS on heating inverts to wurtzite, α-ZnS, at 1020°C (1868°F), but this temperature can ...


Science; General science

A minor accessory mineral, formula CaTiO 3 , occurring in basic rocks. Perovskite has given its name to a large family of materials, synthetic and natural, crystallising in similar structures. The ...


Science; General science

A mineral, thorium silicate, in which the element thorium was discovered in 1828. Thorite is tetragonal in crystallisation and has a crystal structure identical with that of the nesosilicate zircon, ...

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