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General sociology
General terms relating to the study of society.
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General sociology
organizational man
Sociology; General sociology
W.H White identified a new breed of business executives working for large corporations whose lives were dominated by their firms. Firms demanded total commitment and expected executives to move from ...
other directedness
Sociology; General sociology
The concept was introduced by Reissman.The other directed person depends exclusively on constant approval of others for confirmation of his or her self image. This confirmed personality is seen as ...
participant observation
Sociology; General sociology
When a researcher became a member of the group he is studying and participates in its group life fully, it is called participant observation.Malinowosky emphasized on this method of studying ...
paleolithic age
Sociology; General sociology
The Old Stone Age the period of cultural development which was characterized by the use of crudely chipped stone tools which were made into almond –shaped flake tools. The men secured their food by ...
pastoral culture
Sociology; General sociology
A way of life which develops out of the fact that a group of people are dependent on herds of domesticated animals for a food supply. Because of the necessity of constant migration, their material ...
patriarchal family
Sociology; General sociology
A monogamous family in which the oldest male has extensive authority over the other members of the family or the household.