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General sociology
General terms relating to the study of society.
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General sociology
sex role
Sociology; General sociology
The cultural role assigned to men or women as members of their sex.
Sociology; General sociology
A demographic term describing a group of people who share a significant experience at a certain point of time. All the children born in one year from the birth cohort of that year.
comparative sociology
Sociology; General sociology
Durkheim said comparative sociology is not a particular branch of sociology, it is sociology itself. In so far it ceases to be purely descriptive and aspire to account for facts.Max Weber also ...
Sociology; General sociology
This is a system of marital exchange between two bands of tribes, according to which men of one tribe, marry women of other and vice-versa.
Sociology; General sociology
Relationship based on descent either from common male or female ancestor who may not be necessarily be a blood relation.
Sociology; General sociology
A group of agnates tracing descent from a common ancestor who may be mythical.
class conflict interpretation of society
Sociology; General sociology
The view that all social institutions forms of social control, ideas of right and wrong forms of government and religion status system as well as the process of change as such are the outward ...