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The science that comprises the study of the solid Earth and the processes by which it is shaped and changed.

Contributors in Geology


Rift valley

Earth science; Geology

An elongated valley formed by the depression of a block of the planet's crust between two faults or groups of faults of approximately parallel strike.


Earth science; Geology

One of several trench-, or crack-like valleys up to several hundred km long and 1-2 km wide commonly occurring on the Moon's surface.

Refractory minerals

Earth science; Geology

Minerals that can resist high temperatures, also minerals which exhibit high melting points.

Rhea Mons

Earth science; Geology

A large shield volcano on Venus that is similar to Hawaii or Olympus Mons.

Smooth plains

Earth science; Geology

The smooth plains seen on Mercury resemble lunar maria and are likewise, sparsely cratered, but may have formed from different processes than those on the Moon. Mercury's smooth plains might have ...

SNC meteorites

Earth science; Geology

General name for three groups of meteorites with relatively young ages (slightly over 1 billion years old) that probably came from Mars. The groups are the Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassigny.


Earth science; Geology

A landslide that results from the downward sliding of rock debris as a single mass, usually with a backward rotation relative to the slope along which the movement takes place.

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