Home > Industry/Domain > Plants > Horticulture


Of or pertaining to the business, science, and technology of intensely cultivating plants for the use of humans.

Contributors in Horticulture



Plants; Horticulture

A plant naturally adapted to drought or low moisture conditions.

Crop residue management (crm)

Plants; Horticulture

A year-round system beginning with the selection of crops that produce sufficient quantities of residue and may include limited secondary harvest of residue. CRM includes all field operations that ...

Crop nutrient sources

Plants; Horticulture

Plants obtain essential nutrients from a number of sources including soil minerals, organic matter, commercial fertilizers, legumes (N), animal wastes, sewage sludge, and other wastes. Plants do not ...

Cross section of herbaceous stems

Plants; Horticulture

Since herbaceous stems are mostly of primary growth tissues, its cross section is very much like the cross section of a growing root. It has an epidermis, cortex, stele with phloem and xylem ...

Crop nutrient budget

Plants; Horticulture

A balance sheet showing the nutrient applied to the crop and the nutrients removed by the crop. Only a portion of the nutrients needed by a crop is removed from the field at harvest. Grain crops ...

Coulter injection

Plants; Horticulture

Use of a narrow coulter and high pressure to place a fluid fertiliser in a vertical band from the soil surface to the depth of coulter penetration. A variation of banded fertiliser application.

Critical toxicity limit

Plants; Horticulture

The highest level of tissue nutrient content from which you can expect adequate growth. Above this limit, toxicities are likely.

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