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Human evolution
Otherwise known as anthropogeny; anything of or relating to the study of the origin and evolution of Homo sapiens as a distinct species from other hominids, great apes and placental mammals.
Industry: Archaeology
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Human evolution
Archaeology; Human evolution
The genetic recombinant generated by the transformation process.
Chromosomal mutation
Archaeology; Human evolution
The variation from the wild-type condition in either chromosome number or chromosome structure.
Suppressor gene
Archaeology; Human evolution
A gene that causes suppression of mutations in other genes.
Archaeology; Human evolution
The use of selective archaeological evidence to promulgate nonscientific, fictional accounts of the past.
Archaeology; Human evolution
A gene introduced into the genome of an organism by genetic manipulation in order to alter its genotype.
Colonising species
Archaeology; Human evolution
A species with a high rate of reproduction, readily able to take advantage of new habitats because of its genetic variation and internal subdivisions.