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Terms related to the science of artificial application of water to the land or soil.
Industry: Agriculture
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effective rainfall
Agriculture; Irrigation
The portion of a rainfall that infiltrates into the soil and is stored for plant use in the crop root zone. During a rainfall event, part of the rain will run off the surface of the soil, get ...
permanent wilting point (PWP)
Agriculture; Irrigation
Soil water content at which plants can no longer get water from the soil and will wilt and die. When soil water contents fall below this level, irreversible wilting and crop damage occurs. Soil ...
irrigation interval
Agriculture; Irrigation
The time period between the start of successive irrigations.
Agriculture; Irrigation
A category of trickle irrigation in which water is applied to the soil surface in discrete or continuous drops, or tiny streams through emitters. The terms drip and trickle irrigation are often used ...
Deep percolation
Agriculture; Irrigation
Movement of water downward through the soil profile below the root zone. This water is lost to the plants and eventually ends up in the groundwater. These water losses can be significant and are ...
Distribution uniformity
Agriculture; Irrigation
Test for determining the evenness or uniformity of irrigation water over an area. Numerical indices of uniformity include DU (distribution uniformity of the low quarter) and CU (Christiansen's ...
Drip irrigation
Agriculture; Irrigation
Also known as trickle or micro-irrigation. Water is applied at very low flow rates (drip) through emitters directly to the soil. Emitter flow rates are generally less than 3 gallons per hour.