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The scientific study of human language.
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Language; Linguistics
The schematic trajector or landmark that a particular expression can fill in order to complete an expression via the process known as elaboration (2).
Image schema
Language; Linguistics
A relatively abstract conceptual representation that arises directly from our everyday interaction with and observation of the world around us. Image schemas derive from sensory and perceptual ...
Image schema transformation
Language; Linguistics
Because an image schema arises from embodied experience, which is ongoing, image schemas can undergo transformations from one image schema into another. For instance, the source path- goal image ...
Inner-space relation
Language; Linguistics
In an integration network, an inner space relation is a vital relation that has undergone compression giving rise to emergent structure in the blended space. Typically, an inner-space relation ...
Image metaphor
Language; Linguistics
A kind of resemblance-based metaphor. An image metaphor is based on perceived physical resemblance. Metaphors of this kind have been studied in detail by George Lakoff and Mark Turner and are ...
Implicit closed class forms
Language; Linguistics
Closed class forms that have no phonetic realisation but represent speaker knowledge of grammatical categories such as noun and verb, their sub-categories (for example, count noun and mass noun) and ...
(see also blending theory.)
Language; Linguistics
In construction grammar (2), the links between constructions in the construction, allowing one construction to 'inherit' structure from another. The types of inheritance links proposed are: polysemy ...