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The scientific study of human language.
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Inheritance links
Language; Linguistics
In construction grammar (2), the links between constructions in the construction, allowing one construction to 'inherit' structure from another. The types of inheritance links proposed are: polysemy ...
Idioms with pragmatic point
Language; Linguistics
These idiomatic expressions have a very clear pragmatic function, such as greeting ( How do you do ?) or expressing a particular attitude ( What's your car doing in my parking space ?). They contrast ...
Idioms without pragmatic point
Language; Linguistics
Idioms of this kind are pragmatically neutral, in the sense that they can be used in any pragmatic context. Expressions like by and large and on the whole fall into this category. Idiomatic ...
Primary metaphor
Language; Linguistics
The foundational level of metaphoric representation and the central construct in primary metaphor theory. A primary metaphor, in contrast to a conceptual metaphor, relates distinct concepts rather ...
Pragmatic strengthening
Language; Linguistics
A notion developed by Elizabeth Closs Traugott in work on semantic change and applied and developed in the theory of principled polysemy in attempting to account for how chaining takes place in a ...
Principled polysemy
Language; Linguistics
A model of lexical representation developed within cognitive lexical semantics. Principled polysemy was developed by Vyvyan Evans and Andrea Tyler in response to perceived shortcomings with the ...
Polysemy fallacy
Language; Linguistics
A fallacy in reasoning committed by some scholars who take a cognitive lexical semantics approach, particularly as evident in the full-specification model of polysemy. Dominiek Sandra , who coined ...