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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Prima facie evidence
Earth science; Mapping science
Evidence deemed by law to be sufficient to establish a fact if the evidence is not disputed.
Earth science; Mapping science
A measure of land of sixteen square varas, or yards. (Spanish law)
Fee road
Earth science; Mapping science
A road built on land purchased specifically for that purpose.
European Datum 1979
Earth science; Mapping science
A horizontal-control datum having its origin at the point D783t on the northern tower of the Frauenkirche, in Münich, with the same coordinates as those of the European Datum 1950, and on the ...
Earth science; Mapping science
The largest periodic perturbation in the Moon's longitude. The term is given, in Brown's theory of the Moon's motion, by 1 o 16' 26/4" sin(λ - 2λ' + λ p ), in which λ and λ' are, respectively, ...
Spheroidal excess
Earth science; Mapping science
The amount by which the sum of the three angles of a spheroidal triangle exceeds 180 o . In geodesy, spherical angles are used instead of spheroidal angles; the difference between the two kinds of ...
Cross-track error
Earth science; Mapping science
That component, of the difference between the location of a satellite's location as computed from theory and the location estimated from observations by the method of least squares, which is ...