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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Abney level
Earth science; Mapping science
A rectangular tube to one side of which is fastened a vertical, graduated arc with vernier and carrying a rotatable level. The instrument is small and light enough to be held in the hand. When ...
Back azimuth
Earth science; Mapping science
The azimuth of a line at the end (the end point) opposite that used for reference. If, on an ellipsoid, the azimuth of point B from point A is given, the back azimuth is the azimuth of point A from ...
Angle method of triangulation adjustment
Earth science; Mapping science
A method of adjusting a triangulation network, using adjustment by conditions, in which the measurements are of angles and the unknowns are corrections to the measured angles. The angle method is ...
Major axis
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) The longest line that can be drawn thru the centre of an ellipse or ellipsoid to the figure. (2) Any one of the set of lines of greatest length that can be drawn thru the centre and from one ...
Equatorial axis
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) A diameter of the Earth, drawn between two points on the Equator. (2) A line drawn thru the centre of an ellipsoid, in a plane perpendicular to the shortest axis of the ellipsoid, and extending ...
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) A body of water held back from its natural course by some obstruction such as a contrary current, dam, etc. (2) A region affected by water held back from its natural course by some obstruction.
Angle-to right
Earth science; Mapping science
The horizontal angle, measured clockwise, from the preceding leg of a traverse to the following leg.