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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Circum meridional altitude
Earth science; Mapping science
The angular elevation of a celestial object near the celestial meridian and observed to determine latitude.
Earth science; Mapping science
A formal declaration by an individual, before some competent public officer, declaring an act or deed to be his. Usually declared before a notary public.
Earth science; Mapping science
In law, transfer or make over to another; especially, transfer to, and vest in, certain persons, called assignees, for the benefit of creditors.
Azimuth by altitude
Earth science; Mapping science
An azimuth determined by solving the astronomical triangle with latitude, declination and angular elevation given.
Earth science; Mapping science
An instrument, carried on balloons or rockets, that measures and records pressure, temperature, and relative humidity of the air through which it is carried. Before the radiosonde was developed, ...
Altimeter correction
Earth science; Mapping science
One of the corrections which must be made to the readings of a barometric altimeter to obtain true altitude. Among these corrections are a correction for difference of local temperature from ground ...
Analytical nadir point aerotriangulation
Earth science; Mapping science
Radial aerotriangulation done by computations in which nadir points are used as radial centers.