Contributors in Movies



Entertainment; Games

BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts)is the leading independent charity in the UK supporting, developing and promoting the art forms of the moving image


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Weenie. A term used by Alfred Hitchcock to refer to an item, event, or piece of knowledge that the characters in a film consider extremely important, but which the audience either ...

Production Coordinator

Entertainment; Movies

The person responsible for overseeing practical matters such as ordering equipment, getting near-location accommodations for the cast and crew, etc.

Production Designer

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Production Design. An artist responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a movie.

Production Illustrator

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Storyboard Artist, Illustrator. A person responsible for drawing the storyboards and anything else that needs to be drawn during the production of the movie.

Production Manager

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: PM. Reporting to the film's producer, this person supervises the budget, hires the crew, approves purchase orders & time cards, and generally makes sure all departments are doing their ...

Production Report

Entertainment; Movies

A daily report of actual progress versus the production schedule. Includes dope sheets, continuity reports, and call sheets, as well as extensive notes regarding on-set happenings, activities of the ...

Featured blossaries


Category: Health   2 26 Terms

Medical Terminology

Category: Health   1 15 Terms