Contributors in Movies
Production Schedule
Entertainment; Movies
A detailed plan of the timing of activities associated with the making of a movie, of particular interest to production managers. See also production report.
Production Sound Mixer
Entertainment; Movies
The head of the sound department on the set. They are responsible for the process of recording all sync dialogue and sync sound effects in a scene. The Production Sound Mixer has a number of duties: ...
Entertainment; Movies
A device for displaying a reel of a movie on a screen, either for a screening or a back projection.
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Prompt. A person who supplies actors with the correct lines from the script if they forget. Factual Movie(s): Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991)
Entertainment; Movies
Anything an actor touches or uses on the set; e.g. phones, guns, cutlery, etc. Movie animals and all food styling (food seen or eaten on set/screen) also fall into this domain. See also property ...
Property Assistant
Entertainment; Movies
Also Known As: Prop Assistant. Responsible for the placement and maintenance of props on a set.