Contributors in Movies


Chute Cowboys

Entertainment; Movies

Slang term for experienced parachutists that either perform or assist with stunts involving parachutes.


Entertainment; Movies

Text graphics which appear at the bottom of a screen used to describe time, place, or name of person on screen; can also describe the technology used to add the text to the bottom of the screen.

Cinch Marks

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Scratches. Scratches on a print running parallel to the edge of the strip of film. Typically caused by improper reel winding which allows one coil of the print to slide against ...


Entertainment; Movies

A place where screenings occur. Cinemas can be hardtops or ozoners.

Cinema Audio Society

Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: CAS. A philanthropic, non-profit organisation formed in 1964 for the purpose of sharing information with sound professionals in the motion picture and television industry. Use of the ...

Cinema Verité

Entertainment; Movies

Literally: Cinema Truth. A documentary style in which no directorial control is exerted. The term is frequently misused to describe new-wave "handheld" camera techniques.


Entertainment; Movies

Also Known As: Cinematography, Cin. A person with expertise in the art of capturing images either electronically or on film stock through the application of visual recording devices and the selection ...

Featured blossaries

Nikon Imaging Products

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