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OBGYN equipment
Obstetrics and gynecology equipment
Industry: Medical devices
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OBGYN equipment
Biotechnology; Biochemistry
description a statement presenting something in words, from verb describe
Refractory period
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A period of time after orgasm during which a man or woman cannot have another; a recovery period.
Reproductive endocrinologist
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A sub-specialist doctor who is dedicated to the treatment of infertility. An RE has gone through advanced training to understand female hormones, the causes of infertility, and the latest infertility ...
Resistant ovary
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
An ovary that cannot respond to the follicle-stimulating message sent by FSH. Primitive germ cells will be present in the ovary; however, they will not respond to FSH stimulation.
Retrograde ejaculation
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A male fertility problem that allows the sperm to travel into the bladder instead of out the opening of the penis due to a failure in the sphincter muscle at the base of the bladder.
Ringer's lactate solution
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A physiologic salt solution for replacing body fluid loss in the absence of gross abnormalities of concentration and composition (this fluid has minimal effects on normal body fluid composition and ...