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OBGYN equipment

Obstetrics and gynecology equipment

Contributors in OBGYN equipment

OBGYN equipment

Germ cell aplasia

Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

An inherited condition in which the testicles have no germ cells. Since men with this condition have normal Leydig cells, they will develop secondary sex characteristics. May also be caused by large ...

Gestational mother

Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

In a surrogacy arrangement, the woman who carries a pregnancy to term and delivers a baby, which may or may not be genetically related to her.

Gnrh analogue (gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonists)

Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

A kind of drugs that are used to prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs too early during an IVF cycle. There are two types of GnRH analogues: 1) GnRH agonists (GnRH-a), that cause a sharp increase ...


Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

Hormones which control reproductive function: Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Lutenizing Hormone.

Gonadotropin releasing hormone

Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

A substance secreted by the hypothalamus every ninety minutes or so. This hormone enables the pituitary to secrete LH and FSH, which stimulate the gonads. See also FSH; LH.


Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

The gland that makes reproductive cells and "sex" hormones, as the testicles, which make sperm and testosterone, and the ovaries, which make eggs (ova) and estrogen.


Medical devices; OBGYN equipment

An infection that is usually asymptomatic, but that may cause a bad-smelling yellowish vaginal discharge and red and swollen vaginal walls. If it reaches the fallopian tubes, the woman will suffer ...

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