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OBGYN equipment
Obstetrics and gynecology equipment
Industry: Medical devices
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OBGYN equipment
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
Masculinization; having male secondary sex characteristics; being able to perform sexually.
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
Painful vulva, also sometimes associated with urinary symptoms, painful intercourse and generalised pelvic pain.
X chromosome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
The congenital, developmental, or genetic information in the cell that transmits the information necessary to make a female. All eggs contain one X chromosome, and half of all sperm carry an X ...
Y chromosome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
The genetic material that transmits the information necessary to make a male. The Y chromosome can be found in one-half of the man's sperm cells. When an X and a Y chromosome combine, the baby will ...
Zona pellucida
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
The outer protein coat (shell) of an ovum, which must be penetrated by a sperm cell for fertilisation to take place.
Zygote intrafallopian transfer
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
An ART in which eggs are removed from a woman's ovaries, fertilised with the man's sperm in a lab dish, and the resulting embryos are transferred into the woman's fallopian tubes during a minor ...
Asherman’s syndrome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A condition where the uterine walls adhere to one another. Usually caused by uterine inflammation.