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OBGYN equipment
Obstetrics and gynecology equipment
Industry: Medical devices
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OBGYN equipment
Cushing’s syndrome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A condition characterised by an overproduction of adrenal gland secretions. The person will suffer from high blood pressure and water retention as well as a number of other symptoms. A concurrent ...
Kallman’s syndrome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A congenital hypothalamus dysfunction which has multiple symptoms including the failure to complete puberty.
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A genetic abnormality characterised by having one Y (male) and two X (female) chromosomes. May cause a fertility problem.
Ringer’s lactate solution
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A physiologic salt solution for replacing body fluid loss in the absence of gross abnormalities of concentration and composition (this fluid has minimal effects on normal body fluid composition and ...
Sertoli (nurse) cell
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A testicular cell responsible for nurturing the spermatids (immature sperm). Secretes inhibin, a feedback hormone, which regulates FSH production by the pituitary gland. When stimulated by FSH, the ...
Sexually transmitted infection
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
An infection that is spread by sexual contact. Also called a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Sheehan's syndrome
Medical devices; OBGYN equipment
A condition caused by profuse haemorrhage at the time of delivery. The severe blood loss shocks the pituitary gland, which dies and becomes nonfunctional.