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Particle physics

Contributors in Particle physics

Particle physics

Antartic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA)

Physics; Particle physics

A Cherenkov detector, embedding in the ice located at the south pole, designed to look at very high energy neutrinos.

A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS)

Physics; Particle physics

This multi-purpose experiment is currently under construction for use as a detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva Switzerland. For more information, see:


Physics; Particle physics

This experiment, which focuses on B-mesons, uses the PEP II storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator centre (SLAC). One of its primary goals is to investigate why the universe appears to be ...


Physics; Particle physics

A fundamental constituent of matter. Along with protons and neutrons, electrons are the building blocks of atoms. They have negative electric charge.

Electroweak symmetry breaking

Physics; Particle physics

Although electromagnetism and the weak force have the same strength at high energies, electromagnetism is much stronger than the weak force in our everyday experience. The process by which a single ...

Electroweak unification

Physics; Particle physics

This theory describes two of the four fundamental forces, elctromagnetism and the weak interaction (responsible for nuclear decays) as a single force at high energy.

Electron volt (eV)

Physics; Particle physics

A unit of energy equal to the amount kinetic energy an electron gains after being accelerated through an electric potential of 1 Volt. It can also be used as a unit of mass by applying Einstein's ...

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