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Particle physics
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Particle physics
Physics; Particle physics
A former gold-mine located in South Dakota that is the proposed site of a National Underground Sciences Laboratory. This mine also contained the experiment that first detected solar neutrinos.
Physics; Particle physics
A proposed extension of the AMANDA experiment. It will be 10 times larger, at a kilometre on each side.
Japan Hadron Facility (JHF)
Physics; Particle physics
An accelerator currently under construction for nuclear physics experiments that will produce a very intense 50 GeV proton beam. It can also be made to generate an intense beam of neutrinos. A ...
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
Physics; Particle physics
A national laboratory located in Long Island, New York. This multidisciplinary laboratory, operated by the Department of Energy, is the site of the AGS and RHIC (relativistic heavy-ion collider) ...
Booster Neutrino Experiment (BooNE)
Physics; Particle physics
A proposed experiment to be based at Fermilab. It is the expanded version of the Mini-BooNE experiment, which is currently under construction.
Physics; Particle physics
A proposed experiment to take place at the Fermilab Tevatron. It would study B-Meson decay in detail.
Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF)
Physics; Particle physics
This is one of the two large multi-purpose experiments located at the Fermilab Tevatron. Along with D0, it discovered the top quark in 1995.