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Physical organic chemistry
Physical organic chemistry is the study of the interrelationships between structure and reactivity in organic molecules. It a part of organic chemistry by using tools of physical chemistry such as chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, thermochemistry, and quantum chemistry.
Industry: Chemistry
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Physical organic chemistry
Bathochromic shift effect
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
Shift of a spectral band to lower frequencies (longer wavelengths) owing to the influence of substitution or a change in environment. It is informally referred to as a red shift and is opposite to ...
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
For Brønsted bases it means the tendency of a compound to act as hydron (proton) acceptor. The basicity of a chemical species is normally expressed by the acidity of the conjugate acid. For Lewis ...
Autocatalytic reaction
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
A chemical reaction in which a product (or a reaction intermediate) also functions as catalyst. In such a reaction the observed rate of reaction is often found to increase with time from its initial ...
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
A chemical species or molecular entity having an available pair of electrons capable of forming a covalent bond with a hydron (proton) or with the vacant orbital of some other species.
Atomic orbital
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
A one-electron wavefunction describing an electron in the effective field provided by a nucleus and the other electrons present.
Brønsted relation
Chemistry; Physical organic chemistry
The term applies to either of the equations k HA /p = G(K HA q/p) α k A /q = G(K HA q/p) -β (or their logarithmic forms) where α, β and G are constants for a given reaction series (α and ...