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Poetry is a form of literary art making use of rythmic and aesthetic qualities of language to evoke meanings. Poetry has a long history evolving from folk music.
Industry: Literature
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Sprung rhyme
Literature; Poetry
A poetic rhythm characterised by feet varying from one to four syllables which are equal in time length but different in the number of syllables. It has only one stress per foot, falling on the first ...
Literature; Poetry
A metrical foot with two long or equally accented syllables together, as in bread box or shoeshine. Be the | green grass | above | me
Literature; Poetry
A figure of speech in which a part of something stands for the whole or the whole for a part, as wheels for automobile or society for high society.
Literature; Poetry
A type of elision in which a vowel at the end of one word is coalesced with one beginning the next word, as "th' embattled plain."
Literature; Poetry
A type of elision in which a word is contracted by removing one or more letters or syllables from the middle, as ne'er for never, or fo'c'sle for forecastle.
Rhyme scheme
Literature; Poetry
The pattern established by the arrangement of rhymes in a stanza or poem, generally described by using letters of the alphabet to denote the recurrence of rhyming lines, such as the ababbcc of the ...
Literature; Poetry
In the specific sense, a type of echoing which utilises a correspondence of sound in the final accented vowels and all that follows of two or more words, but the preceding consonant sounds must ...
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