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Radiation hazards
Terms related to radiation and its hazards.
Industry: Environment
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Radiation hazards
Environment; Radiation hazards
Quantity of material introduced into the body by inhalation, ingestion, or through the skin.
cumulative dose
Environment; Radiation hazards
The total dose resulting from repeated exposure to radiation to the same region, or the entire body, over a period of time.
Environment; Radiation hazards
The outer layer of thin and extremely hot gas that surrounds the sun and other stars. It is only visible during a total eclipse of the sun.
Greenhouse effect
Environment; Radiation hazards
The trapping of the Sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Nuclear waste
Environment; Radiation hazards
Radioactive (nuclear) pollution is a special form of physical pollution related to all major life-supporting systems – air, water and soil. It is always convenient to discuss radioactive pollution ...

Japanese nuclear industry
Environment; Radiation hazards
Since the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear plant crisis in Japan, all but 2 of the 54 nuclear reactors have been closed down to prevent future meltdowns. The plants are planned to be slowly ...
Charged particle
Environment; Radiation hazards
An elementary particle or ion which carries a positive or negative electric charge.